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对此业内人士表示,断电?Are you kidding me?


team-member-1 thinks that perhaps pg_basebackup is refusing to work due to the PostgreSQL data directory being present (despite being empty), decides to remove the directory. After a second or two he notices he ran it on db1.cluster.gitlab.com, instead of db2.cluster.gitlab.com.

team-member-1 - terminates the removal, but it’s too late. Of around 300 GB only about 4.5 GB is left.


这让我想起有次在虚拟机里看到一个目录占了很大空间,下意识执行rm -rf,过了几秒钟发现这个目录是挂载到宿主机用户目录的,吓得赶紧ctrl+c,还好发现先删的是Applications,卡在删adobe目录了。adobe梗的出处







  1. LVM snapshots are by default only taken once every 24 hours. YP happened to run one manually about 6 hours prior to the outage

  2. Regular backups seem to also only be taken once per 24 hours, though YP has not yet been able to figure out where they are stored. According to JN these don’t appear to be working, producing files only a few bytes in size. It looks like pg_dump may be failing because PostgreSQL 9.2 binaries are being run instead of 9.6 binaries. This happens because omnibus only uses Pg 9.6 if data/PG_VERSION is set to 9.6, but on workers this file does not exist. As a result it defaults to 9.2, failing silently. No SQL dumps were made as a result. Fog gem may have cleaned out older backups.

  3. Disk snapshots in Azure are enabled for the NFS server, but not for the DB servers.

  4. The synchronisation process removes webhooks once it has synchronised data to staging. Unless we can pull these from a regular backup from the past 24 hours they will be lost

  5. The replication procedure is super fragile, prone to error, relies on a handful of random shell scripts, and is badly documented. We learned later the staging DB refresh works by taking a snapshot of the gitlab_replicator directory, prunes the replication configuration, and starts up a separate PostgreSQL server.

  6. Our backups to S3 apparently don’t work either: the bucket is empty

坐拥6种备份方式,可以想象在PPT上会吹的如何天花乱坠了。然而真正出事时,发现:数据库常规备份(pg_dump)不知道备份到哪去了,可能挂了(failing silently)。Azure的磁盘快照在DB server上不启用。webhook被移除。replication procedure不可用。备份到S3的目录是空的。只有一个冷备(LVM snapshot)是能用的。


